Friday, March 21, 2008

It's a BOY!!!

Today we made our way to Baby's First Photos in Riverside, CA for an ultrasound. This ultrasound was to tell us the gender, a month earlier than we thought we were going to know. Stephanie's parents, sister, and niece got to go along. It's a really neat service and the employees are super nice. They do a 3D ultrasound and project it up on a 100" screen for everyone in the room to see. You can have up to 10 people in the room with you to share the excitement. It's really cool so if you ever get the chance to experience it for your baby or to watch someone elses ultrasound like this, do it, it's just too cool.

So we found out we are having a boy. Now we can start deciding on a name and the nursery. We went to Babies R Us after to buy some baby clothes. I got a bib for him that says Chicks Dig Me:)

Anywho, here are some photos that we got from the ultrasound today.

Here you can see his face with his hands and arms up by his head.

This shot is of his back. He got tired of being poked at so he turned over. You can see the back of his head, his back/side, his leg, and his arm.

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