Monday, September 18, 2006

California fires

As some of you know, we had a few more fires this past weekend. Two of them were within 5 miles of our house here in Cherry Valley and Banning. One was on Saturday and the other one was on Sunday. I was working in the yard when I noticed the one on Sunday. I had to run to Home Depot to pick up a few things so I took my Nikon with me to see what I could capture. There was a lot of traffic so there was plenty of time to snap some pictures while in the Jeep. The smoke was crazy because of the Santa Ana winds which made for a really cool looking sun. I pulled into a development to take the first couple. All I had was my 50mm so I was a little limited on the amount I could get in the frame. Anyway, here is what I got.

You can see how the wind was blowing in these first two.

Who needs a fisheye lens when you have KC Daylighters :)

Thank you to Garrett Nudd for posting about reflections. Once you start looking for them, you do see them all over.

You can see some of the traffice behind me as the fire trucks rush past.
This is one of my favorites. I just really like how it turned out.
I believe 2 houses were destroyed this weekend but the fire fighters did a really good job at keeping the flames contained. Our neighbors sister and family had to be evacuated on Sunday but I think they were back home by Sunday night.

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