Thursday, December 27, 2007

San Diego

The Sunday following Thanksgiving, I dropped Stephanie off in Calistoga for her early recruiting trip for Loma Linda University and headed home. I was pulling a trailer for a project I will be starting soon so I had to drive slower than normal. On the grapevine I lost both fenders and my magnetic stop lights. I drove two hours home with my hazards on making sure everyone around me saw me. Then when I got home I realized I had lost the nut to the ball on my hitch. Needless to say it was a long trip home and one I hope to never repeat. But I made it home safely. I got about four hours of sleep then headed down to San Diego for a conference for work. I spent four days there then headed home to meet up with Stephanie for a day before my next adventure started.

Here is the view from my room on the 18th floor of the Marriott.

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