Friday, March 30, 2007

Surgically assisted rapid palatal expansion (SARPE)

The joys of getting braces as an adult. I'm having surgery on April 13th. They are cutting up my mouth to spread my maxilla. My teeth are too crowded and the bone is too set. Yesterday I got one of these put in. I'll have it for 6 months. It makes it hard to eat...I think I'm going to lose weight with this diet plan. Anyway, if you talk to me on the phone or in person, yes, I will be talking differently. Having this taken out might be one of the best birthday presents ever.


Jbrown said...

hey, i just got one put in yesterday too, swalling.. talking.. eatting.. pretty much impossible now.. you had yours for 6 months? my god.. they haven't told me how long i'll have mine.. but it's already been too long. Do you still have yours? and do you ever get used to it?!?!?!

Jess <3

K.C. said...

Jess, I got really tired of it, but it will go fast and it was worth it. I've had braces now for about 26 months so it has been off for quite some time now, I barely remember it, thank goodness. Time will go by fast, just think about the end result and it will all be worth it.